The Job Profile contains the primary fields used in the job ad sent to job boards. This is where you set the job title, description, and responsibilities, plus a few other fields, to make sure your job stands out from the crowd.
These fields can only be edited by the Hiring Manager or Recruiter job roles. Click Job Roles Definition for more information about job roles in a job team.
This is the full list of fields contained in the job profile:
- Title: This field defaults to the occupation selected when the job was first created. When you click on this field, a drop down of commonly used related jobs titles is shown to select from. Or, feel free to type in your own title for this job.
- Job Team: For instructions on how to set your job team, click Setting up the Job Team
- Employment Type: Choose what type of employment this job is, such as Full-Time or Part-Time
- Benefits: If your organization has default benefits, they will appear here. For more information about setting benefits for a job, click Setting Job Benefits
- Job Summary: This is defaulted based on the occupation selected when this job was created. Feel free to click in this field and edit the contents.
- Culture: Specify your company or team culture statement in this field. If you have a default culture specified in your organization settings, it will default here. For more information about setting a default culture, click Setting a Default Culture
- Responsibilities: This is defaulted based on the occupation selected when this job was created. Feel free to click in this field to edit the contents.
- Heard About Jobs List: If you'd like to know how the candidate found out about the job, add choices like different job boards or specify Employee to find out who referred them the job.
- Videos: Why not describe the job using a simple video from your smartphone and/or add a corporate video about your culture for candidates to see on the job ad.
- Click Save button when changes are complete.
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