Your organization profile contains all the basic information about your organization. Much of this information is used on job boards after jobs are posted, so it is important to fill it in and make sure it is accurate. Only Organization Admins are able to modify the data in the organization profile.
To fill in your information in the organization profile (Organization Admin only):
- On the top menu, click Organization Settings
- Click Overview tab
- Overview Section
- Organization Name: Fully company name representing your organization
- Website: specify the website for your organization
- Logo: Click Upload/Change Picture to set or update your company logo. This is used as the logo on the top right of the screen as well as on the job ads. The logo will automatically fill in with a recognized website name.
- Industry: drop down list of NAICS based industries. Select the one that closely matches yours.
- Company Size: drop down of employee count ranges. Select the one that best represents your company.
- Organization Address
- Click Add Address button
- A pop-up will appear where you can type in the full address of your organization. If you have multiple locations, use your HQ location here.
- Note: The address used here will be the default address used on jobs. The location on a job can be modified to be any location.
- Click the Save button
- Organization/Job Videos: You may optionally add videos to introduce your company, team, or any aspect about your organization. Click the Add/Remove Videos button to manage videos for your organization (YouTube or Vimeo links only).
- Job Branding Template: Here, you may customize how your job postings will appear on and external job boards.
- Job Board Design: Let us create a career page for your company. This option allows you to customize the colors and banner used on the career page.
- Job Intro Overview: When candidates start applying for one of your jobs through, you can customize the intro screen they receive to learn about your company and hiring process.
- Culture: Specify your organizational culture. Be sure to use rich text controls to make it stand out. The culture defined here will be used on all jobs created in
- Equal Employment Opportunity Disclaimer: Add an EEO statement to the bottom of all your job ads by enabling this feature. You can customize the text that appears or leave our default text in place.
- Click the Save button to save your changes
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