Career.Place has partnered with a leading assessments provider to help employers find candidates with the basic fit for a job. Each of the 6 assessments in measures one or more abilities or characteristics about you. You don't need to apply to a job to try out our assessments. Follow the below instructions to try them out.
- Open your browser and go to
- On the top right of the screen, click the LOGIN / REGISTER Link
- You can create a login using one of your social media accounts or use an email id/password combination and click the LOGIN / REGISTER Button
If you use your own email id and password, you will be emailed a 4 digit code to your email address for verification. Please enter that code when prompted to continue your login. - You will get two screens; one for demographic information and the other to specify your name.
- Click the USER PROFILE Button on the top right of the screen
- On the next screen, click the WORK STYLES Tab
- You will be presented with our list of 6 assessments
Feel free to take each assessment in any order you like. These assessments are mobile ready and can be taken from any device. The approximate time needed for each assessment is listed next to the assessment name. Assessments can be take once every 90 days and the results from an assessment expires after 6 months. After taking an assessments, feel free to the click the View Results Button next to the assessment name to get a summary of your results.
To learn more about these assessments and what they measure, click What are Assessments
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