Did you know you can monitor the demographic breakdown of your candidates while your job is live? Answer questions such as are similar percentages of males/females/other passing each stage of the hiring process? Candidate applying through career.place opt in with their demographic data over 90% of the time. To access the report, click the Reports option on the left hand job menu and the Diversity Dashboard.
Please note the following regarding the data in this report.
- To protect the identify of applicants, the data in this report is only refreshed after each batch of 5 candidates have applied. Therefore, this report will show no data until at least 5 candidates have started the application process.
- This report only counts candidates that actually started the application process. It does not include candidates that only applied to the job but never started the process.
On this report, you will see five demographic groupings down the left: Ethnicity, Gender, Disabled, Veteran, and Age. These correspond to the five demographics questions we ask all candidates.
Across the top, you will see seven stages corresponding to the stages of the application process: Applied, Qualification, Work Styles, Homework, Interview, Revealed, and Hired. Reading from the first row, you will see that 211 White candidates Applied for a job, 98 of those 211 passed Qualifications, 51 of those 98 passed Work Styles, 25 passed Homework, 14 passed the Interview, 9 had their contact information Revealed, and 6 were Hired.
Note: To protect the identify of individual candidates, if a column only contains 1 candidate, that candidate will automatically appear in the "No answer provided" category.
At the bottom of the column, you'll see a pie chart with the demographic breakdown for each group, summarizing the data in the column above it. The colors in the pie chart correspond to the colors next to the demographic category on the left. You may hover your cursor over any slice of that pie for additional information. (Note that candidates who chose not to report their demographic information are not included in the pie charts.)
So What Does This Tell Me?
This report has a rich set of information that allows you to monitor pass rates at different stages of your hiring process. If the pie charts look pretty similar at each stage, that would indicate that candidates from each demographic category are being selected at similar rates - this is good and promotes diversity. If you see the pie slice for a particular demographic category getting significantly bigger at a new stage, you might want to investigate to see if there is some barrier preventing candidates from other demographic categories from progressing.
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