Thank you for participating in the Mobile beta test for employers. The goal of our initial Mobile version is to provide employers a quick and easy way to review and rate Homework and/or Video Interview submissions of candidates right from their mobile phone. Over time, more features will be added and many of the ideas for these features will come from folks like you, our awesome users.
Instructions to participate in the beta test.
- You will receive an email invite to join our beta environment in the Career.Place Test Bed organization. The email will look like the below. This organization is currently hiring for a couple of very important positions to staff a Circus (yes, a Circus).
- Use your laptop/desktop to accept this invite and set your password.
- You are now ready to test. While we are in beta mode, we will not have an app in any app store (like Apple or Android). Rather, you will access the Mobile version from a phone browser.
- To access Mobile, open any browser on your phone (like Safari or Chrome) and go to, log in with your email and newly created password and you are in.
We will not be providing you any specific instructions. We'd rather have you "figure it out" and our hope is that you find it intuitive.
As you test, we do ask you to keep in mind three things:
- What you like
- What you don't like
- What additional feature ideas do you have for Mobile
Here is a google form we set up to gather your feedback. Feel free to fill it in at any time.
We will also set up 2 feedback zoom sessions for a live discussion about the Mobile offering. We will have one on Oct 13th and one of Oct 14th. We ask that you join the one most convenient for you. (We'll email you both).
Thank you again for participating in our beta program.
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